Editorial «Invisible»

Sometimes, you are invisible.

Sometimes you pass right by your people and not be recognized.
They do not see you, they do not listen to you. It’s as if you are not


women, invisible lesbian.

you have to be like a person who you doesnt feel, for be a part?

You invisibility is not a privilege.
Sometimes you realize you are truly lonely.

Art director & Styling: Javiera Acuña @javi.acunha

Ph & retouch: Lester Villaroel @lester_villarroel

Make-up & hair: José de la Rossa @josedelarossa

Models: @elitemodel_chile Helenia Suassuna @helena.suassuna & Elis Caglioni @eliscaglioni

Wardrobe: @theroomcl @neutro_official @studio_lama_ @aldo_shoes @dafiti @luisf_pino @benditagraciatienda

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